2 years SAMS Renewal and Maintenance

$ 998 $ 1,198

In-Store Only

What is SAM Renewal?
If you’ve completed your SAM Registration and are competing for federal contracts and funding, you’ll need to have your registration renewed and revalidated at least annually to avoid its expiration. Think of it as a 365-day countdown since you last renewed or updated your business information. If your information changes during that time period, you should revalidate and update your SAM registration as soon as possible, which also resets the countdown. While setting an annual reminder might seem like enough, agencies looking for contractors might be cautious of a business that has less than two months until its SAM Registration expires. If you’re in the middle of a contract when it expires, the government isn’t authorized to do business with you anymore. Ideally, you should be renewing every nine or ten months to be safe and avoid this risk.